Check out some our proudest Work here! Some of the things shown here are not available right now but we still want to show them off to give you an idea of what we are capable of. In the future everything you see here will be available! We’re trying to pace ourselves right now as we get things off the ground, which is a whole lot of work! If anything you see here interests you then keep tabs on us, we’ll be offering everything you see here with time!
Combined Sets
This is an example of a scene that can be made with sets listed below. We don’t offer the terrain at the moment, though depending on interest we will likely offer a better version of it in the future, we want to offer only things we’re proud of and the terrain is still a work in progress.
The Sets to recreate this scene are listed below.
-Modern Home: The Loft
-Modern Home: Furniture Set
-Oak Tree Set
-Pine Tree Set
-Cypress Tree Set
-Bush Set